
Ready 2 Go 50ft Oceancruiser Hudson Force 50, ZERO is for SALE

Farewell For Another Oceanpassage(sailing ZERO)

20-16_Tiki Buubs in Paradise (sailing ZERO)

20-15-The Arrival after 32 Days Offshore - Pacific Ocean Crossing VI (sailing ZERO)

20-14_Pacific Ocean Crossing V - Trial with KING NEPTUNE (sailing ZERO)

have you heard of Art of Boat Repair? You should! (sailing ZERO)

sailr’s yarn
Sunsetnews Day 32
Ahoy, Sometimes strange things happen out here on the ocean.. so let me tell you some yarn. 2 days ago we were drifting in a vast blue endless desert. With no wind, in a dead calm sea. It was overcast and we had occasional sprinkle. It was cold and miserable and the crew was demotivated....Sunset news day 31
We had a day off today. With absolutely no wind at all we drifted around in the ocean. After a couple hours the water surface turned into a mirror again. The sun brightened the cloudy sky and let the horizon almost disappear. Sometimes it was really hard to locate the horizon. It got quiet pretty...Sunsetnews Day 30
Ahoy, We knew it would come. The forecast was absolute clear about it and now it’s here.. or better said, it’s not here anymore. The wind is gone. With around 3 kn of wind it’s anything but nice aboard ZERO. The sails are still up, there are patches of wind we try to use and...Sunset news day 29
The wind is playing us badly today. We are facing horrible 40-50 degree wind shifts followed by quick calms and gusts. In one minute we have 5 knots of wind from 020° and in the other we have 15 knots from 340° all of a sudden. ZERO stops almost every 20 minutes to start her...