Ahoy, Another beautiful day out in the big blue. Winds are still around 6-10 kn but not so much south anymore. That means we’re sailing pretty much north for now. We expect the winds to shift back to SE the closer we come to the equator so we can make a bit more east then.
The constant heeling with around 10-20 degree feels less disturbing than yesterday. I guess we get used to it. Patch is a big example, she’s running around like its the most normal thing on earth. And when it comes to sleeping position Fay and me are getting really jealous. She always finds the best.
It’s dark already with only a small reddish shine on the horizon. Between sunset and darkness are only a few minutes. Boom it’s dark!
The weather forecast promises us more wind the next days, starting tonight with probably winds around 15 kn. So we tied in the first reef in the main to be adequately dressed for that.
When we talk about distances we feel so small. Compared to the vastness of the Pacific ocean we’re just a small dot and not even a plane would recognize us. It’s a great and a depressing feeling at the same time and I can’t say which I prefer.. it’s part of the game to feel small, so be it! During the night we stand watches and the morning watch gets the delight to see the sun rise, as fast as it gets dark it gets bright in the morning and then.. the red fireball is lurking over the line. It’s such a magic moment and it lasts only a few seconds..
Now we’re sitting on deck watching the stars, hoping for shooting stars and waiting or the moon to show up. It’s not full anymore but still lights up our little world almost as it would be daylight.. Go out and watch the stars tonight. They’re almost the same we see..
Aloha Cris
Sent from far offshore..

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