As predicted the wind died last night. In the morning I dropped all sails and fired up the iron Genua..
I tried to sit it out but even the water is glassy there’s still a good east/ southeasterly swell rolling through. It has a good long frequency but still rocks ZERO to much from side to side.. And I have to get out of here to find some wind..
Actually were motor sailing trying to gain half a knot out of the 3-4 kn true.

We passed the middle of the leg today. 1140 nm behind us. Another 1100 to go.

The big banana stack I got from John got ripe and I had to harvest them. Some bananas were actually fallen down already. They are way to tasty to loose them. But what to do with around 100 bananas?
I peeled half of it, sliced them and stored them in the freezer. Hopefully I can make some banana ice cream out of them or a nice chilly banana smoothy.. The other half.. ? Maybe I try to bake something out of them.

I’m not Alone anymore..
I found a little lizard between the bananas. He wasn’t very agile considering the outdoor temps, so I build him a little ‘Hawaiian lizard kingdom’ in a big plastic container. With a couple plants to hide under. It seems LK ( Lizard King) likes it. But how can I feed him? We were fighting to get rid of some ants for a while and I know there are still some here and I tried to find some to feed LK but.. Couldn’t find a single one.. Strange.
I gave him a piece of banana, don’t know if he likes it..

Besides building a home for LK and processing bananas I changed the content of my closet.. Put all summer clothes in a vacuum bag and digged out trousers and jackets. I also prepared my foul weather gear ready to use..

Its official now!
The tropical sailing is over. Welcome to the wet, cold and wearing full gear kind of sailing..

The VHF is talking again.. Nothing in sight yet.. Maybe later..

The Lizard King captain

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