Sailing at its best!
The wind came up last night and I pulled up the staysail, unfurled the Genua, shook out the reefs in main and mizzen and trimmed the whole set to pull us north. Since then were doing around 7 kn straight north 000°. Wonderful.

I had to stop the heater as I woke up with lots of smoke inside the cabin again. Another back draft. I don’t know why that happens. It ran for over 30 hours without problems and all of a sudden this. But the whole ship was warm and even yesterdays clear sky brought very cold temperatures during night it was absolutely OK without heater. The boat was dry and that helps a lot.

Today I just enjoyed sailing. I watched the little red dot on the chart on my laptop moving slowly closer and closer to Kodiak. I studied the charts and figured out where I possibly try to anchor.

Tomorrow I’ll be there. Tomorrow I finish what I started over 2 weeks ago. Tomorrow I’ll reach Alaska. The timing looks to be perfect. Probably around noon I’ll enter the slowly narrowing Sitkalidak Strait. Separating Sitkalidak Island from Kodiak Island. In the narrowest point is Old harbor. The Sitkalidak passage is only a couple 100 meters wide. Surrounded by high mountains, some of them are over 3.000 ft high. The water depth in the passage is only 10 ft and it will be my first tidal scheduled passage.
But first I’m going to set my foot on land.. On Kodiak, Alaska.

When we bought ZERO her hailing Port was Kodiak. So she’s probably familiar with these water.

Were north of 55°N already. That means north  of you guys back home in good old Germany. I’m just ~160° west of you.. Can you see we waiving..?

I’m kind of excited. How will it look like there? How will the people be there? Will there be people at all? How will the water be when the tides are shifting? Will there be bears? …
So many questions I’ll be able to answer soon..
Water depth is still around 4000 meter. But I’ll enter the continental shelf in about 5 hours. Then water depth will be less than 100 m. And its rising fast. Hopefully there isn’t any crazy wave dancing around.
I’ll tell you tomorrow.. Aloha
The excited captain

2 thoughts on “SunsetNews Day 16

  1. Great journey! I enjoyed your blogs everyday captain, keep them coming they are awesome. Congrats Christian

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