Two big cargo vessels were passing my course yesterday night. They were sailing east in a distance if around 10 miles from each other and were passing around 15 nm ahead of me. I contacted one of it to report that onboard ZERO everything is OK and wished them a safe passage. It looks like my VHF has a problem with the transmit button because he couldn’t understand me very good.

We were still flying. In one of the gusts we were surfing a wave and my log showed 10 kn! It was actually getting uncomfortable and I decided to end that.
The wind was cold and bites into the rare parts of exposed naked skin. I was wearing a Jacket, a beanie and my neoprene gloves but felt every little drop of that fine Misty rain in my face. I had to go to the mast on the foredeck. I picked the safety tether into the big pad eye on the mainmast. I was wearing full safety gear as well. I had to promise so many people, good friends and family that I do that and now was the time to fulfil my promise. The whitewater was pressed far away from the bow to both sides of the hull and the deck was heeling over with every wave passing us. I wanted to reef the mainsail into 3rd reef and take down the staysail to slow down and get some rest. By the time I finished I was wet and cold. I underestimated the rain and the time I needed to reef and didn’t put on proper sailing trousers, that was definitely a mistake. Back in the cockpit I reefed the mizzen as well and went downstairs. I changed into dry clothes and sneaked under the blanket.
ZEROs sail area was reduced to at least half of the area we had up before and still going with up to 6-7 knots.
It felt way better now and I could get some sleep.

I had another encounter during the day. A lot of traffic here. All of them were eastbound, probably loaded with tons of Amazon orders delivering the western world with things nobody needs and which don’t last long anyway..

A huge albatross came by today. Circling us in a graceful effortless way, checking out who’s out here. He was a Perfect sailor and barely moves his wings while it seems like he was surfing invisible waves of air. Spectacular, but it was too cold out there to watch him longer.

Its less than 700 miles to Kodiak.. I can’t wait to be there.. A couple more days ..
The freezing captain

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