my bucket list contained to get drunk with a fisherman in Kodiak. Intentionally I wanted to be in Kodiak for my Birthday and go out and celebrate it here. But because of the ruder dilemma I couldn't make it in time. Anyway, getting drunk with a fishermen stayed on the list.
So I went to the oldest bar in town, the B'n'B, just called "THE B", placed myself at the bar and ordered a beer. The bar was pretty small and persisted out of one single room with a guessed 6 by 10 meter rectangular shape. The U-shaped bar was on the smaller end with seats all around it. In the middle of the wall was a big frame with a huge crab inside. Next to me on the left was a tall guy, around my age sipping on his Coors light. it doesn't take long and we had a conversation. About music. it turned out that we both like the same bands and were firing out names like AC/DC, Metallica, Deep Purple and Ramones.. Jeff was here since early afternoon and guess what.. he is a fishermen. He had a loud, dirty laugh and obviously happy because he laughed a lot.
After a while we asked Jessica, the attractive bartender, to play the bands we were talking about. She did and from now on we were on a musical journey through the decades of rock. The beers fly in regularly and time flys by quick. I came to 'the B' around 10 pm and convinced Jeff to go on a "Kneipentour" at around 1am. The plan was to go to another bar and have always one beer before we leave for another location. Kodiak got quite a bunch of bars and things faded out until I went home at around 4am. Drunk! Mission accomplished!

Off course my Saturday started late and slow but I did go out and hitch hiked around. Kim picked me up with his huge truck and after hearing my story invited me to his house to meet his family. He lives in a nice house just in front of the narrow channel which separates Kodiak Island from Near Island. So he's locking from the city into a beautiful wilderness, uninhabited. In return I showed them ZERO and what was meant to be a short company turned out to last for hours.

I'm going to leave my slip and Kodiak tomorrow and head for the remoteness of the alaskan wilderness. I wanna find a nice bay and drop my anchor. I don't have any cruising guide for this Area. I don't think that there is one existing. So I'm gonna explore the coast just by reading charts and pointing my bow in every little inlet which looks promising. Exciting!
The explorer

I added a couple pics from the crossing and Alaska to this gallery to give you a picture to the stories, enjoy!

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